Even in the mountains of Colorado there is still a need for indoor activities from time to time. No matter your reason for wanting to be entertained indoors; rain, wind, too cold outside, you forgot to reapply that sunscreen yesterday, or you're looking for a change of pace, I promise you Summit County has a lot to offer and will not leave you sitting at home bored even on the worst weather day!
Escape Room
Art Kits To-Go
Educational Experiences
Indoor Recreation
Performing Arts
Movie Theaters
Brewery, Distillery, Winery
Breckenridge - Broken Compass, Broken Compass Tasting Room, Breckenridge, Continental Divide Winery, Carboy Winery, Breckenridge Distillery
Dillon - Pug Ryan’s, Dillon Dam
Frisco - Outer Range, Pullman Distillery
Keystone - Steep
Silverthorne - Angry James, Baker’s, Syndicate
Free Transportation Options
Live Music - Varies daily. Check out the events calendar in the Summit Daily or search local events on Facebook!
Self Care - There are numerous nail salons, skin care studios, spas, and yoga options throughout the county. Our friend Google should be able to help you find what you're looking for!
There is plenty of fun to be had for everyone, even indoors!